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SEPnet Sharing Good Practice in HE STEM Equality & Diversity

SEPnet Sharing Good Practice in HE STEM Equality & Diversity

9 Dec 2017



SEPnet organised a one-day workshop for Equality & Diversity and Project Juno champions to share good practice in addressing barriers to female progression in STEM on 4 December.

Paul Walton of University of York highlighted the barriers people put up to progressing gender equality and what solutions are available to deal with them.�Averil Macdonald, Diversity Lead for SEPnet, looked at�attracting students, recruiting staff and how to reach a wider pool of candidates through the use of inclusive language in marketing.��Sally Jordan of The Open University focused on learning gain, attainment gaps and student diversity while Peter Main of Kings College London described how to implement an effective fully transparent workload allocation model and led discussion on whether the long hours� culture could be overcome.��Finally, Tracey Berry of Royal Holloway provided top tips on how to submit effective Athena SWAN and Project Juno Applications.

You can sign up to the SEPnet Diversity JISCMAIL group to share ideas, information and news related to equality and diversity. Email Cristobel Soares-Smith at c.soares-smith@surrey.ac.uk if you wish to join this group.